Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keep up the Training

Good job everyone!  Some ideas to consider!  Remember to not increase your mileage by more than 10% a week. Allow yourself a day off before your long run, but use the day after as a day to help rid your system of the lactic acid build up.  I truly suggest that you alternate distances every other day and take a day off during the week. (the day before your long run, the best choice)  Gradual build up of mileage is a key to insure being injury free.

Coach K


  1. I ran my first 13 miler with a pacer last weekend. How do I train (pace myself) when I run alone?

  2. Megan,

    I hope my suggestions have helped! Now, let me suggest a couple of way to train for pace. It is all about training your body to understand the feeling of a pace per mile. It truly is "knowing your body" to be able to manage the process of training. If you do not know how consistent you are with your pace, you need to go to a track or a route that you know is 1 mile in length. Time yourself for a mile and see how it feels at the pace you ran. Adjust the pace based upon the way you felt with the effort you expended. Remember you have to comfortably be able to run this pace for the distance of the race you have chosen. It is training yourself to run this pace and knowing how your body feels. Extend the distance from a mile to 3 miles and check the pace on what you want that pace to be. Gradually increase the distance and check to see if you are maintaining the pace you desire. Now, if you want some technology to help you out, a Garmin Forerunner is a GPS watch that stores information while you run and it gives a pace while you are running. It is very helpful to teach you to know the pace you are running and have you body feel the pace to help you know how to pace yourself. They are available online or through running stores. The price varies but they are a good investment to know pace and total history on runs. Hope this helps! So, first train yourself to know a feeling for a mile and then bridge your distance to increase the mileage with understanding. Take care, Coach K

  3. Thank you. All your suggestions have been helpful. Do you recommend running the same pace throughout?

  4. I am glad the ideas have helped! On Hospital Hill, it is very important to work yourself into the race. The initial excitement will push you to run a little faster on pace than needed. Try to hold back initially and run 15 to 20 seconds off your desired pace. Then, as you work into the race by mile 3-4, you should lock into the pace that your desire. Work the hills and use the downhill for recovery striding out down the hill. Then, as you attack Broadway, the secret is to remain steady. Work the pace at a constant rate up Broadway, as you reach the turn towards towards Trinity Hill, try to resolve within yourself to pick up the pace after Trinity Hill. Focus on the hill, succeed on working hard of the hill. Then on the downhill, recover and strideout. This strideout needs to be a quickened pace to the finish because it is downhill from there. So, start slower than pace, maintain the desired pace, and attack Broadway with a great finish. You can do It! Coach K

  5. Hi Coach,
    Any tips for a "weekday warrior"? I'm running in the half marathon, but here is my issue, I have two kids (almost 4 and just turned 1) so I don't really have free time on the weekends. I am fortunate that there is a gym in my building downtown and I use the locker room to change, then I run outside during my lunch. I usually run anywhere from 3 to 6.5 miles, but can get as many as 8.5 in if I am not too busy. How important is it for me to make sure I get high mileage runs in before the half marathon? I participated in the Brew to Brew last weekend and ran 12.3 miles consecutively. Should I be running more 5 and 6 mile routes during the week instead of 3 and 4 mile routes to make up for my lack of long runs on the weekends?
    Thanks for your help.

  6. Charlie,
    From one Brew to Brew participant to another, GOOD JOB!!!
    Your distance at Brew to Brew give me the information that your chances for success at Hospital Hill is quite likely. With the ability to do 12.3 miles with the consecutive legs, it is a good sign. Now, with your information, I would try to lengthen your runs a couple of times a week with 6 milers. with the hoped result of having roughly 25 miles a week as base. Try to do this for month to have a base of 25 to 30 miles a week, then 2 weeks out from Hospital Hill, try to get 10-12 mile run in somehow with your schedule. So, the key is to teach your body with the 6 mile run to be out on the roads for an hour or less. Then, with the alternately days, recover from the 6 mile run. (2 of those can be just that recovery and the 3rd one can be at a quicker pace to challenge yourself. You will do fine with this training, as psychologically you have already shown yourself what you can accomplish with Brew to Brew. By the way, my oldest son has 2 daughters similar in age, so Coach/Grandpa K knows what your life is like. Take care, you will do great! Coach K
